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Training Program > Courses > Fire Safety Introduction

the course:
Fires are extremely dangerous and can even be fatal. Staff training fire safety ensures that your staff members are able to react quickly and properly in the event that a fire does break out.
Carelessness is the biggest cause of fire. Fire destruction is usually the work of one person but fire prevention is everybody’s responsibility.
The aim of Fire Safety Introduction is to undertake suitable and sufficient fire risk assessments, and to identify and implement reasonably practicable control measures to control risks from fire.
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the training course, you will:
• Understand how fires start and continue
• Explain the Fire Tetrahedron
• Identify the dangers of fire
• Understand the effects of fire
• Know how to react in an emergency
• Understand when and how to tackle a small fire
• Understand how to identify and use the correct extinguisher
Target Audience:
This course has been designed specifically for Care and Support Workers working in a social care setting. It will also be useful to a wider audience of people who should know about Fire Safety.
How will this Training Course be presented?
This training course will be presented using properly designed slides, some with animation and several videos on relevant issues.

About Instructor


47 Courses

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