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Training Program > Courses > Hand Injury Prevention

About the course:
Hands are one of our most valuable tools. They’re also the most often-injured body parts. Hand injuries can be hard to treat, but most injuries are preventable with caution.
This Hand Safety and Injury Prevention online training course was designed for workers in retail, construction, and industry. This course will review the different types of utility knives available, their uses, advantages, and disadvantages of each, how to maintain them, and how to work with them safely to avoid injuries to the hands and fingers.
The main aims of this training:
• To avoid hand injuries: Know the hazards and dangers in the job to be done
• Be aware of pinch points
• Be aware of hot areas
• Be aware of rotating or moving surfaces Automated machinery may be controlled by remote control, or delayed timing devices that cause the machine to start automatically
• Loose clothing and jewelry may be caught
up in moving machinery
• Never remove machine safeguards or operate machinery with safeguards removed
• Use the correct tools
• Look for pinch points
• keep your hands away
• Never put your hands near rotating or moving machinery wear the correct gloves for the task
Course Learning Outcomes:
By taking this course, the user will learn to:
• Identify different types of utility knives
• List their advantages and disadvantages
• Describe how to properly maintain utility knives
• Recall safe work practices for avoiding hand and finger injuries Recall TDG reporting requirements.
Target Audience:
This eLearning course is ideal for all employees working in any industrial environment who are in danger of getting hand injuries whilst using work equipment.
How will this Training Course be presented?
This training course will be presented using properly designed slides, some with animation and several videos on relevant issues.

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